how to earn money online without investment in india

Admin, Thursday, June 15, 2023
earn money online

There are many ways to earn money online without investment in India. Some of the most popular ways include:

  1. Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to earn money online. It means promoting products or services made by another company and earning a commission. You don’t need any initial investment to start affiliate marketing1.
  2. PTC Sites: PTC sites are one of the best & simplest ways to make money online in India without investment. PTC stands for paid-to-click which means you will be paid just for viewing advertisements2.
  3. Social Media Management Services: Another effective way to earn money online in India without investment is by offering social media management services. There are many companies that need these services and are willing to pay money to get them3.
  4. YouTube: YouTube is an easy way to earn money in India and certainly the most profitable platform to help you earn money online without any investment in India. You need to make your own channel, start uploading videos and gain more and more audiences. Once you have a good number of views, you’re all set to monetize your account4.
  5. Online Surveys: You can also earn money by filling out online surveys for companies that need market research2.
  6. Freelancing: Freelancing is another great way to earn money online without investment in India. You can offer your services as a freelancer on various platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, etc5.

How much can I earn from these methods?

The amount you can earn from affiliate marketing in India depends on three factors: the niche you have chosen, the percentage of commission you are receiving, and how many people you can promote the products to. A successful affiliate marketer in India earns around 0.3 laces to 9 laces per annul. 

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


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